What you can pick up from your local boozer

Ok a quick guide to heroes and how to get them.
  • If you have a lvl1 inn check the inn for the current occupant.
  • Assuming you are after an attack hero you need to look for one with an attack attribute above 65
  • With a level 1 in you will only get heroes between 1 and 5 level, this does not matter.
  • If there is no suitable hero available tear down the inn and rebuild (don't forget you can use the free speedup button for building).
  • This will  refresh the hero. Keep doing this until you get a suitable one. (should only take about 1 min to tear down and rebuild)
  • Luck pays an important part in this and you can go for ages and get crap then 2 good one appear so just be patient. (Bit like farming for medals lol)
  • Once you have your hero you will need to get him/her experienced and levelled up.
  • The best and easiest way is to start farming NPC towns. A level 5 town gives over 90k experience points per hit.
Once the current experience is above the required level then you level up e.g. hit the Upgrade button.
Now that was easy wasn’t it.
Note this only is only the basic details and does not cover things like Holy Water etc but that is for a later time.
EDIT: Don't forget to keep your loyalty of your hero at 100% and do this as soon as possible as it cheaper then. The higher the loyalty the less chance that you will lose him/her. Also don't forget when you lose a battle eg warrior spam etc. then loyalty will drop so reward with gold to get back up.

This alliance

With the sudden departure of vice-host Renfred and other members not exactly participating in full I think it is time to decide what to do with this alliance. I offer 3 suggestions for discussion.

  1. We stay as we are as united alliance. However I personally am not prepared to host an alliance with inactive bystanders (being diplomatic). This would mean a shake up of the officers of this alliance with inactive or not fully committed members being first demoted to members and than if that does not not prompt some action being kicked out. (Ohh goody grey flags to farm).
  2. I set up another alliance and hand united back to Briberry. I have already set up some provisions for this regarding the blog and have decided on the name unity which is available on both the game server and blogspot. Its no problem to me to move the blog to another domain name. Note this name is not set in stone and if you want go this route and have another name idea let me know. We will need to jump through a couple of hoops to achieve this eg I will need to make one of you host and then get you to expell me otherwise I will take a prestige hit which will greatly effect the new alliance ranking.
  3. We join another alliance. I personally don't favour this idea because I would not be able to utilise the blog (which I enjoy and I hope you do too) and we would not really have any control of what is going on. Yes there are some very helpful and friendly alliances around but unfortunately not around us. So we are a bit on our own here. (We can always join Genesis I suppose they seem a friendly bunch!!!!)
Ok that about it, now I need both of you two to carry on where Renfred left off. We need Briberry and iclywe (is that a name or some random characters on the keyboard?) to become readers of the blog. I think you are both aware how important this is as it is our main information portal. Without the blog we would be reduced to sending in game mail or using the chat line. Yes both are useful tools but have great limitations eg this message alone would take about 4 to 5 in game mails to send. So I need you to work on those two and get them to send me an email address. Remember its not me that needs it but Google so that it can send the invites out. You can explain this better then me because you have had to do it (as blog author I dont have to so not sure what the process is).  Mili is another problem. I have received his email address and invited him twice but he hasn't followed up on this, my suspicion is that English (or even colonial English) is not his first language and I'm not sure if he understands. Have any of you received any mails from or spoken to him on the chat line? I can even get google to translate the blog for him (I bet that would be funny though have you read any google translations?) but I do not know what's his first language is. I will let you deliberate amongst yourselves about all of this and let you have the weekend to try your diplomatic skills, you may succeed where others including me have failed.

This is a reminder to Banyan to give me his wall and archery levels at the time of nubs attack. I need this information urgently because I can not understand the war report figures. Once I have these details I will post but it is all to do with the battle mechanics and could greatly effect both our defence and attack strategies.


I am sitting here writing this watching rallin attack Renfred and not be able to do anything about it. Why? basic rules of the alliance rule 8 to allow your and garrisoned troops to defend you must have your gates open. If you value your cities I would suggest that you follow these blog rules. Yes I know there are circumstances when you have to take a calculated risk in not opening your gates e.g. Banyan at the present but this should be the exception rather than the rule. I have my gates open and I have over 17k A.T.s on lvl10 walls with Archery 10. But I'm sure you all know best! here endeth the sermon !

Scouts and Moiria

Just to let my readers know that Alliance Moiria are taking an interest. I was scouted today by Bovinius from town Famine (his other town is called pestilence, must have a strange sense of humour  ) I have copied the scout report below:


As you can see he used rather a lot of scouts but my fellows having been working out so although outnumbered they gave him a good thrashing. He then did something similar as our friend nub in that he asked the main man BoddWan to help who then sent 20000 scouts to me which decimated what was left of my scouts and obviously got a scout report. Ok I thought as Bovinius lost a large amount of scouts probably the only ones left were the ones he healed so I popped over to him with my 2nd city scouts and returned the favour.


So just about even I think

As you can see the scouting numbers are getting larger by the minute so I will leave it to you to decide on how many scouts you have, because frankly I have no idea (except the big players keep about 125k scouts per city, remember even with level 10 rally point the maximum you can send is 100k) All I do know is they may be small and fast but they can certainly eat  At wits end

Michelangelo Scripts M.A.

I was asked by Deanith what were my thoughts on using the M.A. scripts. Unless you buy coins or are very lucky to win one on the wheel of fortune (which I did, 'bout the only good thing I ever won) this is a hard decision. I would definitely suggest one for the walls (I upgraded both my cities). After that the general consensus is to use it for the rally point. Why? because that will allow you to send waves of 100k troops. This makes capturing a lvl10 NPC town that much easier. (note I said easier not easy) If you can capture a level 10 town you will get a level 10 building of every sort (with exception warehouse) so saving you the need of M.A. scripts. I would certainly not use it to upgrade my town hall as it seems a waste just for 3 extra resource fields and to make yourself look pretty on the map (and a target). I will post a link to capturing a level 10 town if required but of course the one stumbling block is you need a spare town slot so its either a trip to the shop or get very lucky on the wheel or valley medal drops. Has anyone got a rose medal  from a valley or npc village? p.s. That is not a picture of my medal chest but I wish it was!

Hints & Tips


Here are a few hints and tips.
Note these are my ideas and I won’t accept responsibility if they don’t work
  • Scouts: I suggest that, if you have your gates open, then you have at least 1k scouts in each city. If someone scouts you but are just nosing around they will only send a few scouts. Your scouts will outnumber them so will eliminate them easily. Your opponent will only get a report back that they lost their scouts and no other info. Unless they are after trouble they will not scout again.  However if they really want to scout you prior to an attack they will send more scouts and you can judge by the battle reports how serious they are and whether to prepare for attack. Do not ask for re-enforcements just because you have been scouted,  don't forget your relief station comes into play between alliance members. e.g. I can get archers to any of your cities inside 5 minutes (Providing I’m on-line) and our closest enemy is approx 50min march away. SO DON’T PANIC
  • Relief Station: As mentioned above your Relief Station effects the transport of troops and resources not only to your towns but to the alliance also, so when you have time remember to upgrade to a reasonable level. Make sure you can get troops to our alliance members in time.
  • Walls & Defences: The general consensus on wall defences is 100-1k traps, 200-1k Abatis and the rest Archer Towers. Just put enough rolling logs and stone throwers (easier 2 spell) for Quest. Obviously get your walls as high as possible.
  • Michelangelo Script: I would suggest if you only have one M.A. Script you use it on your walls. Do not use to upgrade your town hall (city) to lvl10 as you will stand out on the map and attract attention.
  • Archers and Archery Level: These are the 2 most important troops and research. However Archery level 10 research time is measured in weeks. These times are effected by your hero.
  • Hero: Don’t forget to put in as mayor a high intel hero just before research to reduce research times, likewise high attack just before training troops. You can put back your high politic hero as mayor once troop building or research is started. You don’t have to wait for completion.
  • Academy: For those with more than 1 town don't forget to put an academy into both towns so that you can have simultaneous research. Also try to keep your academies at equal level so that both towns can share the technology researched. 
  • Building and research: Always keep your builders and academics busy. Plan so that the short time things complete whilst on line and the longer things during the night. I know this is almost impossible later on because of the very long building/research times. Don't forget to keep adding fortifications to the wall/s. (Archer Towers )
That's it for now come back often.
“All warfare is based on deception”.
Sun Tzu
The Art of War


Merge with Reborn

I received a mail today from ajregulate who is the founder of reborn. I have copied the content below:-
Merge with us REBORN. This will benifit both our alliances and make us one powerful alliance. Let me know what we can do to make this happen! Thanks
I replied:- I will look into this and ask the other members of the alliance. Will get back to u when I hear from them but that might be some time due to different time zones etc
Regards BKKK Host united
And he replied:- Im sure you know how it is that most everyone already has an alliance, making it extremely hard to recruit... this is the alternative, to get other smaller alliances to merge which will ensure survival for our members. but sounds good. let me know.

Just posting this to advise my vast readership and to solicit opinions: I cannot see too much of benefit to us as they are based in Friesland, which is the other end of the map and although  they have a large membership list (69) and are ranked 43rd they do not have any particularly high prestige players e.g I out rank all of them including the host. However discuss this and if you think it is a good idea let me know and I will put wheels in motion.  Majority Decision!
EDIT: I noticed today that the 3rd, 4th, 8th & 11th ranked alliances have all declared war on them so I doubt if they will be around much longer so don't worry about the vote I have made an executive decision. :)

Defence Reports

I would like all alliance members to post their town defences and rough troop levels. As to my group email which was short because of the in-game 500 char limit we need to find our weakest links and advise accordingly.
Either send me a mail or better post here in comments pages. (By posting here you can keep game open while typing data, you will find sending mail in game a bit of a pain) and also get over 500 char limit. Also by posting here, the info is available to all e.g. no good asking Lord x for 5k archers when he as only 1K but has 6k cav.. With this info we can plan both our defence and attack strategies. I would suggest updating your data every couple days. Please give it try and report any problems.
I will put my details in the comments below as example
Site now secure so you can post. I need your wall levels and fortifications and rough troop level. Also your military research levels and if you are researching estimated time to completion. Ones I need especially are M.T. (Military Tradition (Attack)), I.W. (Iron Working (Defence))  and Archery level.
With this info we can plan both our attack and defence strategies
Just post into the comments box for this blog entry and update every few days with new information (delete old post (if u allowed to) and enter new info. Dont forget to start post with your game name and for those that have 2 towns, which town you are talking about (walls etc). I know this may seem like a pain but I cannot host this alliance successfully without this info and I cannot scout you?

Edit: I noticed that the reports are very slow in arrival, this I know is partly due to the lack of readers (sic) However I cannot stress too much how much this information is benefit to us all. One thing you may not be aware of is that garrisoned troops share the technology with the city that they are defending. Hence if you send me archers they will have archery 10 and level 10 wall bonus. Likewise if I send you archers they will have the tech. level of your city. So if you are under attack and request troops with the information from your beacon tower plus the knowledge of what your tech. level is I can send an appropriate numbers of troops or plan another strategy. Without this info I could send too few troops which means you get plundered or lose your city (if you have more than 1) and we both lose troops. The upshot of this is I may not reinforce you to protect my own troops so you have been warned

DGAF Intelligence Report

I logged on to alliance chat and noticed some alliances had declared war on DGAF (you know the ones with the big castles just above us). I expanded the window and found more, expanded to maximum, even more, it would appear everyone (except us) has declared war on DGAF This should be interesting. Because the system box does not store so you only see the live stuff whilst online I have copied it below.

 "I dont know what was there"
Relationship between each other alters to Hostile automatically.
[System]: Alliance FATE declares war against alliance DGAF. Diplomatic Relationship between each other alters to Hostile automatically.
[System]: Alliance Phalanx declares war against alliance DGAF. Diplomatic Relationship between each other alters to Hostile automatically.
[System]: Alliance ENYO declares war against alliance DGAF. Diplomatic Relationship between each other alters to Hostile automatically.
[System]: Alliance PITBULL declares war against alliance DGAF. Diplomatic Relationship between each other alters to Hostile automatically.
[System]: Alliance Cobra declares war against alliance DGAF. Diplomatic Relationship between each other alters to Hostile automatically.
[System]: Alliance ARTofWAR declares war against alliance DGAF. Diplomatic Relationship between each other alters to Hostile automatically.
[System]: Alliance Cobra2 declares war against alliance DGAF. Diplomatic Relationship between each other alters to Hostile automatically.
[System]: Alliance ENYO2 declares war against alliance DGAF. Diplomatic Relationship between each other alters to Hostile automatically.
[System]: Alliance Myth declares war against alliance DGAF. Diplomatic Relationship between each other alters to Hostile automatically.
[System]: Alliance FABLE declares war against alliance DGAF. Diplomatic Relationship between each other alters to Hostile automatically.
[System]: Alliance ARToWAR2 declares war against alliance DGAF. Diplomatic Relationship between each other alters to Hostile automatically.
[System]: Alliance Eleven declares war against alliance DGAF. Diplomatic Relationship between each other alters to Hostile automatically.
[System]: Alliance Evenell declares war against alliance DGAF. Diplomatic Relationship between each other alters to Hostile automatically.

Evony Map

Hi all this is more of a mail message then anything but it easier for me to type here then in game (spellcheck and no 500 char limit).
Has anyone noticed that the map keeps changing? Remember I sent a mail recently regarding being scouted by someone south of me a high end player. Well I wrote her co-ords down. but a couple of days later they weren't there. I have just noticed that another city with accompanying village has appeared N.E. of me on 131,466. Now either I am going senile and having a "senior moment" or something strange is going on here. I would expect newbies to appear but not high end players. Let me know if you have observed the same thing, it must be the teleport thing I presume? or I am getting very inattentive.
p.s. there are 2 lvl 5 NPC towns just appeared as well just below the new player. Now that I like!!!! 

Scout Reports

If you do not have a high enough informatics level or beacon tower you may get confusing scout reports with swarms, zounds etc
This is what they mean

Few = 1 – 24

Pack = 25 – 49

Lots = 50 – 99

Horde = 100 – 249

Throng = 250 – 499

Swarm = 500 – 999

Zounds = 1,000 – 2,499

Legion = 2,500 – 4,999

Bulk = 5,000 – 10,000

Giga = 10,000 – “Infinite”


Did you there are robbers around in Evonyland? There are as Banyan and I found out last night. This was a complete suprise to me so I investigated further. There is very little info about this on the forums but what I have found out is:-

  • This is a new "feature" say in the last 6 months.
  • Only effects transporting of goods between alliance members.
  • Only occurs under very rare circumstances.
  • Ok what triggers the robberies?
    • Yes it all depends on the prestige levels of the person sending and the person receiving.
    • If there is a large difference between the two in that the person receiving is much higher then the person sending then this triggers the robbery scenario.
    • The exact level difference is unsure.
    • Why you may ask?
      • Evidently some people were logging in with more then 1 account on a particular server, then using the free teleport to get closer to where their main account cities were, then after joining the alliance  using their new city to supply their main cities. e.g. getting a new city without buying medal boxes!
      • So the devs invented the robbers. Its all about money remember! Evony is free forever huh!
EDIT:- We found out that reinforce also is effected, so troops only! no goods!

    Hints and Tips Part 2

    Here are some more hints and tips. These are all different levels and will added to as I think of them so look at this blog entry regularly
    • Heroes: Have you got heroes? Do you know what all the attributes mean? Hopefully here are some of the answers.
      • Politics: This is the guy (or girl) who should be normally your mayor. The higher his/her politic level the higher your production.
      • Attack: This is hero you use for attacking as his attack level is added to your troop attack level hence makes your troops more powerful. The attack level also effects the build time of troops so make your best attack hero mayor just before building troops and then replace him with your normal mayor once you have started the queue in the barracks. Also make sure you have a high attack hero in each city as this hero will help defend you if under attack.
      • Intelligence: This guy is rather underrated by a lot of players but can save you hours of time. The intel level effects the research times at the academy so as above put him/her in as mayor before research. As we all know the research times start getting very long so this hero can save you hours. As way of example by changing to a reasonable high intel hero (85) from my normal mayor I saved 32 hrs on research time for level 10 Archery.  The high intel hero also helps with your informatics level so send him along with your scouts when scouting high level valleys.
    • Do not forget to level up your heroes after attacking and keep checking your mayor as he/she is constantly gaining experience but can easily be forgotten. I presume that you all understood what I mean by levelling up? If not or you unsure leave a comment and I will try to explain further.
    • Inn: Do not get rid of the inn until you get your feast hall up to level 9. e.g. Do not make the same mistake I did. You need a inn to upgrade your hall and whilst at the moment you may think you do not need lvl 9 trust me later on you will because you need a hero for every attack and later on you will have to send waves of attackers to defeat your enemy. I realised too late and had to tear down a cottage to make room. Pity that a town hall upgrade does not give more space in the town! If you have an inn check it daily as the heroes refresh every 24hrs. Remember the ones you want have a base attribute of 65 or higher. Also remember that Google is your friend here so if the last sentence was pure gooblygook to you do some research yourselves.
    • Valleys: I will post some details on capturing high level valleys when I can find a good site but here's a link with some good basic info.  http://www.theevonywiki.com/index.php/Valleys
    Remember if you find any good sites with the info let me know by posting the link in the comments box and I will put in the resources page.
     Ranks and Titles
    Be careful upgrading your military rank, you will waste your medals. The game devs have dropped the medal drop rate so low, especially rose and lion medals, which you need to advance in the game in the early stages, e.g.us, that it is impossible to get more then the title knight (2 cities) without extreme luck on the lucky wheel or buying games coins. The quest also leads you astray as well. Do not upgrade your military rank unless it is necessary it is the title that matters eg Knight, Baronet etc because each upgrade here allows you an extra city.
     The following links explain the different titles and ranks
    Titles http://theevonywiki.com/index.php/Titles
    Ranks http://theevonywiki.com/index.php/Ranks

    Exercise in Rally Point
    Just to give everyone a reminder that the exercise battle simulator is rather "flawed". While it useful when you are just starting out, later on it can cause you major grief. This is especially true later on when one is trying to attack higher level valleys. This I found out the hard way when attacking a level 9 valley. The simulator said I will lose no troops bar a few warriors, so I sent a few more archers to make sure. The end result was that I lost the lot (8k archers gone och!!!). What one has to realise is that the simulator does not take the tech levels into consideration and a level 9 valleys has level 9 techs for all troops. So be warned!!!!
    As an aside try putting one archer against 5 rams in the simulator and see what happens! Then look at the specs for both troops and explain? If anyone can come up with a suitable explanation I will be fascinated to read it.

    The Element of Suprise

    Or how to outsmart your attacker
    This is a quick post mainly for Banyans benefit to show what I am trying to achieve but some others may find some of the tips below useful.
    • I am trying to get enough resources together for Banyan to build approx 5k A.Towers in 1 hit. Why?
    • Because if you build say 200 or 300 and then get attacked your attacker will easily overcome those and you will be back to where you started.
    • Remember he can scout you and see what you have but not what you are building!
    • So the idea is to give your attacker the impression that your city is defenceless (which it is).
    • Remember those towers, once built, will appear in one hit so one moment 0 then 5000
    • 5000 ATs will require approx 15-25000 archers to take down.
    • In the mean time get your walls as high as possible and research archery levels. This will make your towers even more deadly.
    • Whilst waiting for the towers to be built, also build troops (again archers)
    • When you have good size say 1000 then lose them by sending them to an alliance city (Dont forget to ask 1st)
    • If you build say batches of 500 to 1000 once built recall your hidden army add the new members and re-hide.
    • Keep a reasonable army in town as if he sees very low numbers or suddenly 0 archers when you had say 1k yesterday he may get suspicious.  
    • Unless you get scouted at the wrong time(unlucky) he will see very little change in your apparent troop levels. We want him to get complacent. 
    • Important Keep Your Gates Closed you do not want to lose what troops you do have
    • Also build about 100 scouts if you haven't got any.
    • You will know what time the towers will be complete (Remember I can not see that for you as it depends on research, hero level etc.)
    • Now is the next clever bit. I want you to build approx 2-3000 scouts to arrive at about the same time as the ATs. 
    • You will also need to be online at this time or you will lose the element of surprise so adjust build times etc to suit eg slightly more or less ATs etc
    • Once your towers and scouts arrive open your gates and recall your troops.
    • If you now get scouted because a) your gates are open and b) you have a lot more scouts it will mean that he will probably not send enough scouts.
    • A smart player always scouts before an attack and times that scout to be just before the attack hits. This will show if the gates are open and if you have been reinforced? note I said smart!
    • But he will not get that scout report because you killed all his scouts. So his options now are to recall his troops or press on. He may press on if he has enough troops to take care of the troops that he as seen and thinks you have. WE HOPE!
    • He would not have allowed for the return of your troops which were in hiding or 5000 archer towers
    • The fields will be stained for ever with his blood
    Remember to keep your builders building, and your academics and barracks busy. It is important to spend all the resources that you can and lose any that you cant DO NOT MAKE YOURSELF A TARGET

    Warfare is the Art of Deception

    As I write this I am presently attacking rallin10. Good you may say. His city nub which I have scouted has over 9k archer towers, This will require approx 50k archers at lvl10 archery (which I am still waiting for) to beat down his defences (5 to 1 ratio with layers is usually required (from other sources not me)) I do not have that many archers and I would suspect that the whole alliance together has not that many. So what am I attacking him with? 1 hero (required) and 1 pike Yes one!
    You are most probably now think I have now completely lost it. No  STRATEGY and DECEPTION
    rallin immediately sent me a in-game mail which is shown below read and learn

    msg 1 "who's in your alliance sending an attack from lol 25 hrs away"
    my reply: "in25 hrs u will find out lol"
    msg 2 "lol...well gl with it...probably should get a good scouting report on me first though"
    my reply 2 "already got it thanks u must have had your gates closed at some time"
    msg 3 "so you realise that i have 9200 at's right....and you know how many troops it takes to take them out right...cause my beacon tower is showingyou have no where near the right amount"
    my reply 3 "u right i havent game a bit of bummer there with new patch glad npc lvl 5 only have 5 walls we would all go hungry lol"

    Remember he can look up our alliance and see that there are 7 members but NOT who they are.
    His warning bird is flashing because he is under attack! and he knows that the attack will hit in 24 hrs.
    Depending on his informatics level he might get some idea on how many troops
    But who attacks a city with 1 soldier so even if he gets that amount of data he will not believe it (probably thinks system is screwed)
    So he is now probably searching the map to find an alliance member 24hrs+ away to gauge their strength. He will not find any because its me who is attacking and I am only 44 mins away. So why 24hrs+  simple I used camp time. He will go to bed thinking that both his cities are under attack! what am I going to do? wait 23 hrs then recall my troops (do not want to lose a pikeman do I? lol) in the mean time he is rushing around preparing for the worst.
    p.s. My statement about scouting him was correct but I didn't need to as he told me in his mail lol

    too cocky for his own good but stupid with it just the sort of opponent I love

    pp.s. my last reply was calculated as there was a patch in June of now last year. He now may think that I am an experienced player from another server when in truth I started the same time as you (exception Lord Renfred)

    Read and Learn you do not need to be more powerful just smarter (but being both helps!)

    Here is a small update with regard todays events
    To give him something else to think about I started attacking his valleys.
    This is usually a complete waste of time as capturing another persons valley is rather petty and pointless as either you:-

    • You capture it and then recall your troops as usual which leaves the valley undefended. This means he can just wander back with a couple of warriors and take it back or
    • You reinforce with more troops to defend it (which eats a lot of your food up as the troops eat twice as much when they are having a barbecue. !lol!
     So what I did was to send multiple attacks to about 4 of his valleys with about 2 mins between each one.
    I also made a free valley slot available so I could capture it. After I captured the first valley I recalled my troops then I abandoned the valley. Waited for the second valley to be captured - rinse and repeat!
    You may wonder why did I abandon the valley? because the valley will then get re-stocked with NPC troops.
    So to take the valley back he will have to scout it and send an appropriate size army to capture it.
    Why should I waste my troops when the Evony system supplies them for nothing and these were all lvl 7 or 8 valleys so not that easy to recover.
     I certainly got under his skin as the two mails below show:-
    Msg1 "keep that up and you'll be sorry"
    Msg2 "way to go you can snipe ppls valleys...if you're trying to get medals know that you're doing wrong and also that you're just being a complete*by doing this

    you'll be sorry if you keep this up however"

    My response none!!! but by sending an email to me that was very stupid because it told me he was on-line.

    He then tried to scout me and lost all of his scouts so now he is getting very p**sed off.
    His next response was more interesting in that he must have contacted his alliance host who is miles away.
    The Host is BIG player so sent a lot of scouts to one of my cities which took out all my scouts and so thus got a scout report. I have since replenished my scouts so no problem but what did rallin learn 1) that my wall are higher then his and 2) I have 14.5k A.Ts eg he stands no chance and that's my weak city! In the mean time he is still looking at the little bird flashing on his screen because he is under attack so I sent two more waves of attackers, again with the extravagant amount of 1 throw away hero picked up from local boozer and 1 warrior but because my beacon and informatics is slightly higher then his he is getting confused info. In the meantime of course he is not attacking anyone else in the alliance!

    Other Alliances

    Just a quick post with regard to the other alliances, PureBane (longduck(y)) is rated 12th on our server with 89 members. Anyone notice them coming to duckys aid. Most of these alliances do not care for us newbies they just want you in so to build their own prestige. THIS IS NOT HOW THIS ALLIANCE OPERATES. But it will only succeed if we ALL work as a team. So keep reading this blog and ask questions if you do not understand anything, either leave a comment on blog or mail me in game. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE BEING ATTACKED. If the answer to your problem is already on the blog and you just haven't bothered to read it you will get a very terse response from me if you ask for help so READ LEARN and QUESTION if you do not understand. Also don't forget the links on the right sidebar there is a wealth of information there.
    p.s. I am attacking longduck as I'm writing this so I may regret these words regarding PureBane but hah it's only a game
    update ducky will most probably not bother us again unless he is very stupid, see alliance battle reports
    ps Banyan would you like some of your chattels back?

    Protect Your Resources

    With last nights battle and defence arrangements behind us (well done team) I thought it would be a good idea to post some tips on protecting your resources (Gold food etc)
    This will be in two parts as the procedures change somewhat depending if you are online or off during the attack.


    If you are are online and can see that you are about to be attacked and you know that you will lose you should do the following:-
    • Remember the main reason you are being attacked is for your resources so hide them!
    • How? Easy! Use the market (Thanks to Lord Renfred for pointing me in the right direction long ago when we were in B.P.)
    • Wait until approx. 30 mins before the attack starts and sell everything you have.
    • Sell slightly below the market price so to make sure all your goods are turned into gold.
    • You should be now gold rich but the rest of cupboard is virtually bare.
    • With less then 30 mins (say 20mins) before the attack hit buy. It doesn’t matter what and depends on the level of your market. If your market is at least level 4 you can buy some of everything. Pay over the odds so that your bid(s) are excepted. Remember to spend all your gold. This is the clever bit remember it takes 30 minutes for the goods to arrive so when your attacker arrives the only thing in the cupboard is what you have produced in say the last 20min. He will be very p***sed off and will most probably not bother you again.
    • Yes you will lose money on the market but nowhere near as much as if you were plundered. But remember it is the 30min delivery time that is important so ensure that the goods ordered arrive after the attack(s) (Check to make sure sure he is not sending more then 1 wave of attackers) Do not use Amazon special delivery service because you need to wait.  Smile


    • If you are being plundered whilst offline (get back from work, log on and UGH!) Then you can protect some of your assets by hiding them again.
    • We cannot use the market this time so we need to find somewhere else to hide them.
    • Again easy but you need transports or workers (lots) to carry
    • Where can you hide them?

      1. In your valleys! Just load up your transports with what ever you fancy and reinforce one of your valleys. They will just sit there until you recall them when you are on-line. Remember only you can see those little flags so even if the opponent guesses what you may have done he will have to search the map to find your valleys and then scout them to find your transports and if you send some scouts (who will attack his scouts) and some troops to protect you will make it even harder for him to plunder. note troops that are camping out eat twice the amount so be careful with numbers
      2. In an alliance town! Just click on one of our alliance members towns and reinforce as above. But please get permission first as the transports / workers will require feeding. The above trick can also be used online eg For the small amount produced between selling and the attack, just send them out somewhere just before the attack, wait for the attack is over then recall.


    Note need to check on one thing in that if you reinforce rather then transport to alliance will the goods remain in the wagons or be given to the host. I or you could check on this later.

    However if you have strong wall defences and a good size army you will repel most if not all attacks from the mid range players SO KEEPING MAKING TROOPS AND ADDING WALL DEFENCES (ARCHER TOWERS  )

    I hope this will be of value to someone and feel free to comment as sometimes I think I am the only one reading this blog. (Note to Banyan Sarcastic)

    Quote of the day:
    The important thing is not to stop questioning. - Albert Einstein

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    Blogger Labels: Protect,Resources,defence,arrangements,team,tips,Gold,food,Online,Sell,attacker,Offline,workers,opponent,alliance,attackers,valleys,wagons,scouts

    Battle Reports Share Your Success (or failure)

    This part of the blog is for posting your battle reports. Remember when you  see your battle reports there is a link on the bottom of the report. Copy and paste this into the comments for this blog entry. Remember to post your losses as well success stories as we can all gain experience from our mistakes. The big battles are the ones to post eg an active player or NPC above lvl 3

    e.g. battle113.evony.com/default.html?logfile/20100101/fd/d9/fdd9f7de7eaf90c639f985c5a82e7a32.xml

    I have made a post comment below to start the ball rolling
    Just copy and post the above url into your browser address bar to see
    Note the blog is splitting the url onto 2 lines so you need from battle.... to xml