As I write this I am presently attacking rallin10. Good you may say. His city nub which I have scouted has over 9k archer towers, This will require approx 50k archers at lvl10 archery (which I am still waiting for) to beat down his defences (5 to 1 ratio with layers is usually required (from other sources not me)) I do not have that many archers and I would suspect that the whole alliance together has not that many. So what am I attacking him with? 1 hero (required) and 1 pike Yes one!You are most probably now think I have now completely lost it. No STRATEGY and DECEPTION
rallin immediately sent me a in-game mail which is shown below read and learn
msg 1 "who's in your alliance sending an attack from lol 25 hrs away"
my reply: "in25 hrs u will find out lol"
msg 2 "lol...well gl with it...probably should get a good scouting report on me first though"
my reply 2 "already got it thanks u must have had your gates closed at some time"
msg 3 "so you realise that i have 9200 at's right....and you know how many troops it takes to take them out right...cause my beacon tower is showingyou have no where near the right amount"
my reply 3 "u right i havent game a bit of bummer there with new patch glad npc lvl 5 only have 5 walls we would all go hungry lol"
Remember he can look up our alliance and see that there are 7 members but NOT who they are.
His warning bird is flashing because he is under attack! and he knows that the attack will hit in 24 hrs.
Depending on his informatics level he might get some idea on how many troops
But who attacks a city with 1 soldier so even if he gets that amount of data he will not believe it (probably thinks system is screwed)
So he is now probably searching the map to find an alliance member 24hrs+ away to gauge their strength. He will not find any because its me who is attacking and I am only 44 mins away. So why 24hrs+ simple I used camp time. He will go to bed thinking that both his cities are under attack! what am I going to do? wait 23 hrs then recall my troops (do not want to lose a pikeman do I? lol) in the mean time he is rushing around preparing for the worst.
p.s. My statement about scouting him was correct but I didn't need to as he told me in his mail lol
pp.s. my last reply was calculated as there was a patch in June of now last year. He now may think that I am an experienced player from another server when in truth I started the same time as you (exception Lord Renfred)
too cocky for his own good but stupid with it just the sort of opponent I love
Read and Learn you do not need to be more powerful just smarter (but being both helps!)
Here is a small update with regard todays events
To give him something else to think about I started attacking his valleys.
This is usually a complete waste of time as capturing another persons valley is rather petty and pointless as either you:-
- You capture it and then recall your troops as usual which leaves the valley undefended. This means he can just wander back with a couple of warriors and take it back or
- You reinforce with more troops to defend it (which eats a lot of your food up as the troops eat twice as much when they are having a barbecue. !lol!
I also made a free valley slot available so I could capture it. After I captured the first valley I recalled my troops then I abandoned the valley. Waited for the second valley to be captured - rinse and repeat!
You may wonder why did I abandon the valley? because the valley will then get re-stocked with NPC troops.
So to take the valley back he will have to scout it and send an appropriate size army to capture it.
Why should I waste my troops when the Evony system supplies them for nothing and these were all lvl 7 or 8 valleys so not that easy to recover.I certainly got under his skin as the two mails below show:-
Msg1 "keep that up and you'll be sorry"
Msg2 "way to go you can snipe ppls valleys...if you're trying to get medals know that you're doing wrong and also that you're just being a complete*by doing this
you'll be sorry if you keep this up however"
My response none!!! but by sending an email to me that was very stupid because it told me he was on-line.
He then tried to scout me and lost all of his scouts so now he is getting very p**sed off.
His next response was more interesting in that he must have contacted his alliance host who is miles away.
The Host is BIG player so sent a lot of scouts to one of my cities which took out all my scouts and so thus got a scout report. I have since replenished my scouts so no problem but what did rallin learn 1) that my wall are higher then his and 2) I have 14.5k A.Ts eg he stands no chance and that's my weak city! In the mean time he is still looking at the little bird flashing on his screen because he is under attack so I sent two more waves of attackers, again with the extravagant amount of 1 throw away hero picked up from local boozer and 1 warrior but because my beacon and informatics is slightly higher then his he is getting confused info. In the meantime of course he is not attacking anyone else in the alliance!
hahaha nice one