Other Alliances

Just a quick post with regard to the other alliances, PureBane (longduck(y)) is rated 12th on our server with 89 members. Anyone notice them coming to duckys aid. Most of these alliances do not care for us newbies they just want you in so to build their own prestige. THIS IS NOT HOW THIS ALLIANCE OPERATES. But it will only succeed if we ALL work as a team. So keep reading this blog and ask questions if you do not understand anything, either leave a comment on blog or mail me in game. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE BEING ATTACKED. If the answer to your problem is already on the blog and you just haven't bothered to read it you will get a very terse response from me if you ask for help so READ LEARN and QUESTION if you do not understand. Also don't forget the links on the right sidebar there is a wealth of information there.
p.s. I am attacking longduck as I'm writing this so I may regret these words regarding PureBane but hah it's only a game
update ducky will most probably not bother us again unless he is very stupid, see alliance battle reports
ps Banyan would you like some of your chattels back?

1 comment:

  1. Good luck kicking his ducky a$$! If you did get some of my goods back from him I can use stone, logs and archer towers back if possible.


If you have any suggestions please leave a comment or mail me in game and I will try to add to blog