
Did you there are robbers around in Evonyland? There are as Banyan and I found out last night. This was a complete suprise to me so I investigated further. There is very little info about this on the forums but what I have found out is:-

  • This is a new "feature" say in the last 6 months.
  • Only effects transporting of goods between alliance members.
  • Only occurs under very rare circumstances.
  • Ok what triggers the robberies?
    • Yes it all depends on the prestige levels of the person sending and the person receiving.
    • If there is a large difference between the two in that the person receiving is much higher then the person sending then this triggers the robbery scenario.
    • The exact level difference is unsure.
    • Why you may ask?
      • Evidently some people were logging in with more then 1 account on a particular server, then using the free teleport to get closer to where their main account cities were, then after joining the alliance  using their new city to supply their main cities. e.g. getting a new city without buying medal boxes!
      • So the devs invented the robbers. Its all about money remember! Evony is free forever huh!
EDIT:- We found out that reinforce also is effected, so troops only! no goods!

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