Merge with Reborn

I received a mail today from ajregulate who is the founder of reborn. I have copied the content below:-
Merge with us REBORN. This will benifit both our alliances and make us one powerful alliance. Let me know what we can do to make this happen! Thanks
I replied:- I will look into this and ask the other members of the alliance. Will get back to u when I hear from them but that might be some time due to different time zones etc
Regards BKKK Host united
And he replied:- Im sure you know how it is that most everyone already has an alliance, making it extremely hard to recruit... this is the alternative, to get other smaller alliances to merge which will ensure survival for our members. but sounds good. let me know.

Just posting this to advise my vast readership and to solicit opinions: I cannot see too much of benefit to us as they are based in Friesland, which is the other end of the map and although  they have a large membership list (69) and are ranked 43rd they do not have any particularly high prestige players e.g I out rank all of them including the host. However discuss this and if you think it is a good idea let me know and I will put wheels in motion.  Majority Decision!
EDIT: I noticed today that the 3rd, 4th, 8th & 11th ranked alliances have all declared war on them so I doubt if they will be around much longer so don't worry about the vote I have made an executive decision. :)

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